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Press release

Kimreeaa Gallery is pleased to present Park Yelim’s solo exhibition <On the Arc of Sounds> from March 14th to April 13th, 2024. Park Yelim captures the lyrical and dynamic energy found in nature and transfers it on paper using ink and sand. This exhibition invites viewers to stroll through the artist’s memories of the winds.

The artist places sand onto paper to create forms and textures through serendipity, then overlays ink on top using various techniques to visualize nature. As the sand repeatedly adheres to and falls from the paper, textures and shapes emerge serendipitously, gaining a deeper connection to the ever-changing nature. The powerful strokes painted with ink are transferred to the surface where the sand is fixed and convey the artist’s strength, speed, and even the tremulous touch. These aspects of Park Yelim’s paintings spark the imagination of the dynamic energy of nature that seems ready to leap beyond the canvas. Through the repetitive act of painting with ink on the surface of sand, Park Yelim discovers rich and varied facets of nature. The ink that seeps through the grains of sand captures nature serenely, and the physical properties of the canvas represent the wild surface of Mother Earth.

In this exhibition, Park Yerim expresses her memories of the wind through strokes that float above the sand. Piecing the fragmented sound of the winds that vanished off to somewhere far away from her, the artist invites the viewers to moments that she wishes to relive. From the faint winds, waves, and gentle hills to the shapes of tumultuous winds on the Seven Sisters, Park Yelim portrays these various moments in time and space with the shapes of wind using gentle strokes. The wind revived on the canvas serves as a signpost that guides the artist towards a new path.

We hope this exhibition becomes a pleasant walk amidst the sound of winds and it takes you somewhere in the memories beyond time and space.
